5.1. This section of the Code applies to all coaches or any other individual with a delivery, performance or education role within squash in England.
5.2. All such individuals involved in squash will, at all times:
5.2.1. ensure that players under their supervision meet the standards of respect for individuals involved with squash in England as required by the generic element of this Code
5.2.2. ensure a sensible balance between performance and the emotional, physical, social and developmental needs of the players;
5.2.3. have the players’ best interests at heart at all times;
5.2.4. report any concerns in relation to a child or a vulnerable adult following the reporting procedures of England Squash in the Safeguarding and Protecting Young People Policy and Safeguarding and Protecting Vulnerable Adults Policy.
5.2.5. obtain, and maintain, all appropriate qualifications relating to coaching and safeguarding including an up to date Disclosure and Barring Service approval;
5.2.6. obtain, and maintain, a valid First Aid / Emergency Aid Certificate or ensure that appropriate first aid is available at all times;
5.2.7. where appropriate, ensure that they are suitably insured for their activities including third party insurance or employer’s liability insurance;
5.2.8. ensure that activities carried out by players are appropriately supervised on and off the courts and are suitable for their age, strength, maturity and the ability of each individual player;
5.2.9. refrain from the public criticism of another coach and do not under any circumstances solicit business away from another coach or club;
5.2.10. ensure that any advertising is accurate and obtain appropriate permission to advertise from the relevant clubs and other coaches working at that club;
5.2.11. ensure that the relevant permissions and consent forms are in place for any participant to partake in their activity, adhering to GDPR legislation and guidance on the holding of data;
5.2.12. ensure the wellbeing and safety of each player above all other considerations, including the development of performance;
5.2.13. ensure that all equipment and facilities meet all appropriate safety standards and have an understanding of all relevant operating procedures and relevant risk assessment criteria regarding the particular facility being used;
5.2.14. ensure that any child or vulnerable adult operating in a coaching capacity is doing so under the supervision of a suitably qualified and insured adult coach;
5.2.15. communicate and co-operate with medical practitioners in the diagnosis, treatment and management of any player’s physical and / or mental health issues;
5.2.16. ensure that all players are aware of their responsibilities under this Code and never condone behaviour that contravenes this Code;
5.2.17. Realise their responsibilities as role models and set positive examples for others, particularly children, parents and spectators;
5.2.18. never cause any individual to lose self-esteem by embarrassing, humiliating or undermining them;
5.2.19. ensure that when in a position of authority this privilege will not be used to exer influence over other individuals to gain personal benefit for themselves or any other connected party;
5.2.20. set and uphold the boundaries between a professional working relationship and friendship between themselves and players when in a position of trust especially where the player is a child or a vulnerable adult;
5.2.21. never engage in any form of inappropriate personal or sexual relationship with a player;
5.2.22. only engage in one on one coaching sessions with a child with parental consent and where the space is visible to other persons/parents/working CCTV present (whether a school hall, court/ changing room). Coaches will also adhere to transportation guidance when sharing lifts with participants.